cats a'silenced by white liberals

i mean, it’s a bit of a stretch—it only vaguely reminded me of the practice.

If I were on this jury I would be extremely tempted to find not guilty just to keep them out of jail for 45 years. I think it’s this judge that suffers from “mental disease or defect.” They obviously deserve severe punishment. Spending most of their formative years behind bars seems about right. Not life in prison.

Trying 13 year olds as adults is inhumane. Trying a 13 year old who is also mentally ill as an adult should be a violation of the constitution. Why is the US so batshit crazy when it comes to the criminal justice system?

I spent years working in the juvenile justice system. Anyone who thinks that a 13 year old has the same judgment therefore should be tried in the adult court knows very little about current research. Having kids tried as an adult is a political move by people who want to look tough on crime, not a move based on any

Yes, because all the details of this case scream adult level cognitive processes/judgement.

I believe that shame has resulted in revisionism—a sanitized version of history.

In a world where we find out about horrible things all of the time. This is so vile. This is so sad. It’s an important story to be told. I’m so sad he killed himself after such a horrible life.

Wonderful keep doing what you do Kara you straight killing it

Uh that is literally the definition of victim blaming, you moron.

Well I think the arrests were “intentional/planned” so that was a btw in case things didn’t go smoothly. I think Deray and Cornel were also arrested.


Privilege dies hard.

Let your shining blackness blind them.

Dismiss trolls, everybody.

As soon as I finish reading the life changing magic of tidying up I am going to re-read some passages of W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Soul of Black Folk. The insight he shares on negro spirituals was piercing for me back in the day. It was a pivotal moment for me in shaping my perspective as a black woman and equally momentous

I’d like to pre-emptively apologize on behalf of white people for the inevitable bullshit tone policing replies you’re probably going to get.

There has not been a time in our history when this nation has not been at war with black people. Perhaps at times the battle was quieter or we were less aware, but it has always been present.

What would happen... if instead of showing up like this picture, police officers showed up to these demonstrations wearing a uniform, radio, and body cam, with only a taser as a weapon, and some backup handcuffs or zip ties? I would argue that we’d see a much calmer protest. And I would also argue there’s only one way

If I’m arrested today please know I’m not suicidal. I have plenty to live for. I did not resist, I’m just black.

This is beautiful. Shine on.