cats a'silenced by white liberals

I haven’t watched but someone said that in the midst of all the krying and karing, Kylie brought out hair extensions from her line as a “welcome to woman” gift?


She’s more concerned about being pretty and bathing suits because she’s a girl and that’s all we’re like, duuuuh.

This Caitlyn love on liberal blogs has to stop. She is an awful, horrible human being, worse than anyone else in that family and that’s saying something. Fuck her (and I’m glad her show is tanking.)

Now playing

Thank you so much, this remind me this video of Miss Major on Stonewall and his whitewashing and ciswashing.

Your second paragraph. 🙌🏼👏🏼

Came to this article hoping I’d see this comment. I’ll cry over a Stonewall movie when one is made that’s not completely fictional.

You don’t want people to have to think about more than one axis of difference at a time. Give the white guy a chance to be at the center of a story for once.

Thank you! beautifully said and 100% true. That trailer made me retch. Except I would change “every damned queer story is about some annoying white dude” to “every story EVER is about some annoying white dude”!

1.) There are trans actors who would gladly and more accurately portray the role.

Dude. Seriously. Fuck off with this. Why me? Am I the only outraged queer here you think you ‘technically have something on’? GTFO with your technicalities. The movie is ahistorical in a very bad way. It focuses again on white gay men. They fucking invented one just for this! I saw the trailer and that’s all I need to

Ugh. This is probably completely accurate. Even when they write a movie about the human rights movement of other people, they must ensure the white cis dudes can ‘relate’. If white cis dudes could relate though, we wouldn’t have need the fucking movement in the first place!

Oh come off it. That white gay man took her place as the brick thrower. The movie is about a white dude that never existed in a historical story in which trans women and lesbians lead the charge. You can stick her (on the sidelines. Ill be keeping my $1000) in there all you like but it means shit when her

Thank god this fictional white man was there to save us all. *gags*

Yup. Also, I’m not sure why the only trans character is being played by a cis dude.

Seriously. Did they do any research at all? Go google Stonewall images and you’ll find a shitload of pics of trans women of colour and dykes getting arrested and being badass. All it takes is one little google search! This is ridiculous.

it reminds me a bit of the that movie would have been amazing had it been told *purely* from the prospective of the maids. but then it just HAD to be about some young white woman finding herself by helping all us poor black folks. like...what? know how it is. no one can identify unless the protagonists are whitey mcwhiterson. it’s a rule!

THANK YOU. Fucking hell, fellow white folks, we have GOT to stop doing this shit. A cursory examination of the history of Stonewall would tell you that the majority and driving force behind this were gender non-conforming queers of color. Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and the others deserve so, SO much better than

That is some bullshit.