cats a'silenced by white liberals

She really knows how to pick-o de guy-o.


Taco bout caliente!

Give me a burrito over a diamond any day of the week.

Nacho normal marriage proposal.

With my luck the guy robbing the place would propose to me.

Did you even read what i said, where did i ever say that caring about animals is a “white thing”, it is obvious that i am talking about people who did not speak out against both things and the people who are mainly doing that are white. I am beyond upset about the lion but my point is that throughout history black

And people who eat quinoa need to know exactly what they’re doing to the Peruvian and Bolivian economy, yo. Shit is real out here.

Humans can pretty much take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.

Completely agree with him. People just like lions and all the other charismatic megafauna more than they do other things, and that is hideously unjust. It’s unjust to suffering people, it is unjust to unattractive animals who are being pushed to the brink by our use of coal and coals, and it is unjust to the 9 billion

Totally agree about caring about two things at once. It’s just aggravating seeing everyone popping out of the woodwork having a fit about this lion when they do/say nothing about the plight of African people, specifically Zimbabweans in this case.

Yep so true, also what about all the white American celebrities and others that cried and spoke up about the lion but had nothing to say about how so many black people are dying at the hands of the police in their country. Yes people may reply and say we can care about more than two things at once but that does not

This proposal is equivalent in many ways to “humane” slavery:

You literally opened this comment thread with comparing yourself to “less intelligent” people. And now you’re asking why people would compare you to others.

I agree, the differences in how people’s brains process pain is pretty interesting. I was diagnosed a few years ago with one of those chronic pain syndrome thingies. I related to this Ted talk in a big way, especially the part where he uses a feather and a blow torch to demonstrate his point.

I would star this 100 times if I could.

No, I simply have a different perspective. I am a special education teacher and spend my days with children who are in the process of realizing that other people are smarter than them.

Sure, hon. They are also more sensitive, so they experience greater pain than others, I’m sure.