cats a'silenced by white liberals

I’m Foxy Cleopatra and I’m A WHOLE LOTTA WOMAN!!! I had that as my screensaver back in the day when Windows let you choose the characters for the scroll.

On several occasions I have seriously considered started a tumblr called “What was Ms. Tina thinking” featuring only images of Destiny’s Child on red carpets. Because MY LORD.

Sir don’t be obtuse I know you know better than that. Black women are raped in higher rates than white women most of those crimes being intra-racial. A lot of black men are consistently ready to shout down black women who talk about misogynoir against black women in our communities and the harm that hyper masculinty

black man and white women conveniently erase and forget black women in discussions of rape culture. This is my shocked face. *eyeroll*

It’s just like those many many Black Panther militants they told us to be scared of back in 2008.

Don’t forget that the median age of an O’Reilly Factor viewer is 70. He panders to the fears of angry, scared old white people. Unfortunately, angry, scared old white people are always disproportionately represented on Election Day.

Oh white lefties will be so angry if that happens. Hell, they’re already whining because some black folks aren’t as enamoured with Bernie as they are.

Thinking that you have the right to exist is considered radical. And that is coming from a guy who alleged to have choked his ex-wife.

These radical people getting all upset about being murdered for no reason...CALM DOWN GUYS

Don’t forget about the sexual harassment suit he settled.

Billy O’Reilly, known wife beater and absent father, is also a racist.

If by “not fixing the issues” you mean “actively exacerbating the issues because the system is largely built upon the denigration of Black people” than yes.

The great irony is that every single thing that Americans take pride in was accomplished by radicals.

Let me reframe because my initial framing is not helpful.

Gestapo tactics?!

The idea that black people have the right to exist is so radical and extreme, right?

This is all I see whenever this jerk is on the t.v.

“A radical group called ‘Black Lives Matter’” is how he opens the fuckin’ segment. Radical. That is a radical sentiment if you’re Billo.

“somehow befuddled as to why they wouldn’t protest outside of the Democratic National Convention”