cats a'silenced by white liberals

I think the problem is that what I see, especially in white feminism, is this idea that any criticism of a white woman is sexist and misogynistic. It’s not a charge they make when the person being criticized is black(BW are frequently erased by white feminism as if we aren’t even women), and it’s annoying b/c they

Agreed! May we all #beyblessed.

I can’t even look at Iggy. I’m afraid I’ll get trapped in a perpetual eye roll.

Oh no, a growing number of people call her dumb here, and assume Jay is pulling the strings.

Sure. Their collaboration is an event, I can see wanting it to be as grand as possible. I still hold out hope there’ll be a video for the Flawless remix at some point. That would have to be glitzy as FUCK!

And that’s totally fine. But some people on he think is ok to rally about her like she’s stupid or careless.

Oh, I’m into it, too. I just meant to say that with the infinity-bzillion-gajillion-dollar budget they both could have put into this, it is somewhat lacking in creativity.

Not for nothing, but as young Black feminist, I don’t always agree with bell hooks and I don’t agree with her misgivings about the current trends of feminism. It’s nothing more than a generational gap, tbqh. Young millenials are less likely to feel the same way she does as she was less likely to feel the same way as,

Sexuality doesn’t have to be about male consumption or mass consumption. Additionally, everyone’s contributions to feminism can be in the context of their own world and experiences. Quit hating. You’re bringing us all down.


well if you run the jar lid under hot water, the heat will make the tin in the lid expand, and it’s easier to get it off.

i could tell you the secret to opening the jar easy, but the other men would kill me

You do realize that by reducing the long and successful careers of two women of color to “Madonna-era feminism” and by proxy reducing the millions of women who are inspired and listen to them, you are doing exactly what you’re critiquing them for? You’re dismissing the people who listen, buy, and support women of

man = genetic mutation

Nope. There’s nothing there. It’s a reference to a Givenchy shirt which is a reference to Janet Jackson. It would make no sense to be shade towards Tyga. What interest does Nicki even have with that?

Here for this song and carefree black girls! Love everything about this video!

I wish it wasn’t so unprofessional to have this as my ringtone....because it’s kind of the best. Bey has provided my ringtone for the past two years because I aspire to be fierce and confident (last year was “Grown Woman” and the year before it was “Diva”).

I’m a stan for both these women, so I was bound to like this regardless of what it was—#beyblessed. That said—this feels very lazy.

I would watch their sex tape tbh