cats a'silenced by white liberals

omggg you have no idea how much i relate to you. i have a younger pasty ass motherfucker in my office who constantly makes ‘women make sandwiches in the kitchen jokes’ then tells me ‘chill out, dude’ when i bring it up.

And our reaction would be to start a war. That was the point. Stop being thick

Did you honestly read that and think i believe that private prisons are illegal. The word criminal doesn’t always mean illegal. Seriously I can’t believe I am explaining that.

And maybe you’d like to live in a world where grocery stores didn’t exist. Or where your meal at a restaurant was pre cooked and then microwaved. Or perhaps you wouldn’t want the countless businesses that support a major city or the tax revenue that comes from illegal immigrants spending money.

Holy shit, that's horrible. I was unaware.

I like your style. I’m trying to be less angry and judgmental, but they keep pulling me back in!!!

From my experience those obsessed with the statistics about illegal immigrants from mexico and south america without telling us of the same number of illegal immigrants or overstayed visas from countries such as australia and canada have an agenda. Typically it comes from their subscription to whatever anti

Yes they are very crappy when it comes to illegal immigrants. Is your retort that because Mexico doesn’t treat illegal immigrants nicely and that we should do the same to illegal immigrants that come to this country seeking asylum from being persecuted and worse? If thats how you base your life then good luck

So what do you suggest?

ugh can I detain you for being a total wanker?

Im not talking about letting people in illegally, I’m talking about making it easier for people who want to work, have families, etc, get into the country. Not get rid of the laws. If we made it easier for desperate people, we’d take away alot of the power away from the cartels. Whats so wrong about that? I read a

So what do you suggest? Keep stringent immigration laws that keep the cartels in business? Is that what you want? Because those laws, and turning people away from a better life, are providing more money for the bad guys. Do you want to keep them fat, happy, and busy prostituting these women and children? Or do you not

David Icke is pooping his pants right now.

So they all gave their coached responses and promised to come back to court.

And you think basically indefinite detention is befitting of that crime? Because that’s horrific.

My grandfather was an illegal immigrant. So, so many Americans’ ancestors were. I know illegal immigrants. I would be one myself if it meant I could provide for my children or to escape a situation where we were in danger. These women are trying to go through the legal process and are trying to draw attention to their

Sorry, I misspoke. Crossing the border is a crime, sure, but being in the US illegally is not a crime in and of itself.

Just entering the US illegally is not a criminal issue; it’s a civil issue. These women haven’t actually committed any crimes in the US, they have established credible fear of persecution, and are asking to be treated humanely. Not to mention, even after they are released, it doesn’t mean they can’t still be deported;

The women, according to Colorlines, “have all been interviewed by immigration officials and have established a credible fear of persecution or torture if they were to be deported.” But some have not been given the opportunity to pay a bond yet to get out of Karnes; others say their bonds are far too high for them to

There’s a facility in Dilley, TX run by CCA, another for profit company called the “South Texas Family Resdiential Center”.