cats a'silenced by white liberals
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It looks like they are DEFINITELY going the honesty route:

Yeah, that mic is hot. Drop rhymes, kid.

I don't know what you've been having problems with, but some of the problems that people on GT have been having have been fixed by clearing your cache, if it happens again.

I also like how he randomly hangs up on people if they say anything he doesn't like, have a foreign accent, etc. Or how his go-to response whenever someone kinda diagrees with him is "Are you a best-selling author? Because I am so therefore anyone else's opinion is meaningless." like, why even have a call in show.


testing 1 2 3

My kids picked out a book about poop from the library last week. It discusses that with little cartoons. So I says "But don't you go eating poop. You should never eat poop. Unless...". And then we had a little chat about fecal transplants. Because that's story time at my house.

Why do you do this to us, Mark? Why? What did we ever do to you?

"...many people are choosing to have it in a thick, bulbous smoothie..."

Not to mention the "it was cold and snowed today, so where's your global warming now?" argument?

I KNOW! I watched the video, and then I was like... "AND? WHAT'S YOUR ANSWER, RICKY?"

My dad spouts this stuff and it makes my brain bleed, so I can't imagine how you could knowingly subject yourself to this.

It's both terrifying and dumbfounding how many people actually believe this shit.

I really want to know how he responded, especially since except for the nukes thing her diatribe was just a bunch of common Obama smears strung together.

Nah, I think the perfect ironic hell is realizing, in the last moments before their death from natural causes, that they were never important enough for anyone to come for them. Certainly puts a smile on my face imagining that happening to, say, Alex Jones.

It's not like she's the only one who thinks this stuff. It's so widespread that it's not funny, it's scary.

"Ugh. Quit giving away the plans, dumbass."

He kind of looks like he is going to cry

The perfect ironic hell for conspiracy nuts would be a world in which everything they believed in is true.

Why is the Congress rolling over and lettin' this Communist dictator destroy my country?