cats a'silenced by white liberals

It's not just the creepiness of the people who don't get "that is someone else, who has a say" but all the people watching who don't realise they have a say. That think saying no after that much effort is wrong, or mean. Everyone is being set up!

This is why I've had such a hard time watching romantic comedies lately. If I have to hear about one more guy having to basically stalk or trick a girl into to liking him because he's too awkward or too much of a "nice guy" I'm going to be physically ill.

""No" is both one of the easiest and hardest things to understand."

I hate 'What if the kid is autistic? What if they're developmentally delayed?'...

I remember that shit started with Charlie Brown and the little red-headed girl he was stalking in class. Fucking misogynistic garbage.

attn boys: If a girl says she's not interested but she is, then she won't just ignore you if you leave her alone. If she says she's not interested and she isn't, then she'll be happy that you left her alone.

They definitely need to start teaching consent as part of sex ed.

Not to mention how many of them are structured to make it look like the WOMAN is being awful. Like, ugh, what a stuck up bitch! She wants to keep dating her stable seeming handsome doctor boyfriend instead of this zany type who keeps showing up every goddamn where she goes? WOMenzzz!

yesss. We shouldn't treat women and girls like objects that can be won with persistence. It's a garbage precedent to set. Women aren't the supporting characters in your story, they're the stars of their own. ya dig?

Yep. My son, at 8 years old, was all sad in the car when I picked him up from school because, and I quote, Imani 'rejected' him. I explained that she didn't reject him, she just didn't like him the way he liked her, and that's going to happen a lot in life, and that it is OK, and Imani is still a nice girl, and he's

Absolutely! I used to love romantic comedies and now I kind of cringe by how much agency is removed from the woman by the end in so many. I get that they're fantasy, but it's like "that's an adult who chose someone else. You're going to have to let it go, not jump in a river as a grand gesture."

I think this is one of the reasons why 'sex ed' needs to start earlier in schools. Not so they can discuss the biology but things like relationships and boundaries and respect.

maybe if we stopped pretending like it's cute to wear someone down, we could then also stop pretending it's not okay to say yes, too. They go hand in hand...empowering people to make decisions they want by respecting and trusting them when they say what those wishes are.

*But maybe a better adjusted person raised by a happier mother would be here instead and we WOULDN'T WANT THAT NOW WOULD WE.

A good portion of the comments:

Thoughts? You're a fucking racist dumbass.

Nope. Dead-pan hate stares are just that. Sometimes it's the only thing you can do short of beating the shit out of someone.