cats a'silenced by white liberals

if something bad happens, and your pal says EVERYTHING SUX, are you going to just sit there and be like well idk pal i think everything is pretty complex and not everything sux and somethings are good hurr durr?

It's kind of like "ooh, I'm so good, look at me!" I bet those same people that are shocked by the SAE shit try to explain away microaggressions and casual racism that black and other POC face.

I don't like Serena Williams but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like her body. Hot damn.

Eh. Doesn't feel like positive momentum to me at all.

first of all, i live and breath childish bullshit. but the real bullshit is feeling any need at all to a) get semantic over a blog post title and b), mostly just a.

white people are shocked,not by the racism itself, but by the exposure of it for all to see.

The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."

You forgot "I bet you got rejected by every sorority at your school so you're just bitter"....

Fine, I'll settle for the red parts.

LOL circle jerk dot gif

TRUE STORY: my little brother rushed a frat at the major public institution he went to, but then due to the casual use of the "n" word by several of the brothers, quit. Never been prouder of the little guy.

jerkoff motion dot gif

and i am not personally just talking about cholas wearing baby hairs when i say "latina-girl" staple. for instance dominicanas, boricuas of all persuasions wear baby hairs in new york city.

Thanks for explaining. I'm sure I've heard the term before, but I didn't know what it connoted, much less understand that it's a slur when used by an out group.

still don't believe this is true.

Yeah, that's what I came here breathing fire about. That's not a good word, it's super insulting, like how did you come to the conclusion that was an acceptable thing to call anyone ever. ETA it is insulting coming from the white world, as you have written down further, it's fine between Mexi Americans. As a white

Thank you for saying that. I had no idea it was a slur.

The thing that gets me is that there is no excuse for using racial slurs and saying "I didn't know" nowadays.

Pinche gabachos. 😑

"Cholo" is a pejorative term, an ethnic slur. Similar to other racist names, Latinos took to using it amongst themselves to reduce the "power" of the insult. As a Mexi-American, Tisci making that comment is offensive.