cats a'silenced by white liberals

Fifty years after the death of Malcom X, institutional racism still exists, the silence on #blacklivesmatter is still deafening and another example of the black and white world we still live in.

I get those feelings too sometimes. I'm not diagnosed with depression, but I get that. There are just some days where I just feel on edge for no reason, or I think sad thoughts. They're really short when they happen, but they happen.

I know what he means by all that. I too am a non-violent person, with mild depression. I get into an emotional ball of anger sometimes for no reason. But i've dealt with my depression for over 6 years, and I am not on any antidepressants.

RIP, Draven.

Shit, man, that is fucked up!

For those who prefer to write (all emails are kept anonymous):

They did similar random (but slightly more appropriate?) things for other heritage months: taco wednesdays for Hispanic heritage month, random stir fry things for Asian American heritage month, etc.

It really is quite tragic to see. It's hidden away at the bottom of many pages.

Unfortunately white entitlement means POC can't have their own spaces for themselves. I mean, had this dude ever celebrated BHM before of his own accord? Had he ever even thought about doing so? I bet the answer is a strong no, so there's no other reason to do what he did other than feeling excluded. Which is fine, no

Here's a post from his tumblr.

Yesss!!! Yes, to all of this! He blew the office up because he wasn't invited to one group's luncheon! He's not even friends with those people! He has his own friends he hangs with! It was all just because he heard they were doing something "special" amongst themselves and "special" means he has to be included because

I think it speaks to the issues with white entitlement, which makes white people believe that they have to be included in everything, whether or not they even have an interest in doing so. He didn't seem to have any genuine interest in celebrating Black History Month until he found out there was a celebration he

No, I didn't. We kept it in-house. Only the Black attorneys felt like they had enough "clout" to even say anything to the administration. The support staff were afraid of speaking up. Sadly, our entire department has a history of blackballing people who complain of racial discrimination. Fixing this in house was as

I was bullied by this girl in middle school. I did everything right: went to the principal and told her what happened. The next day, me, my mom, the girl, her mom, and the principal all sat down in a room together. Basically, nothing happened. The principal allowed me to stay home that day and the girl got 0

White people.

Brah, my life is stranger than fiction, so much so that people think I'm lying or joking. I wish people could live life in my shoes for a day.

I still do now. I sometimes paint using coffee grounds for color.

Gaysian, friend. That's profoundly beautiful. I say this as someone who paints daily.

that is fucking beautiful, all of it.

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

As a seven year old, I raided the kitchen for my art supplies. I took some herbs, green food coloring, lemon juice, and turmeric powder to create this. My dad was so angry at me for destroying the kitchen and geting half the spice cabinet all over the floor, but he took this, and he framed it because he thought it was