cats a'silenced by white liberals

Its just down the road from me!

I'm pretty disappointed that so far there is not one serious comment about men taking on body issues. Well, not disappointed, because I did not have great expectations. I was hoping a little though...

Oh oh oh you just reminded me of a thing a guy I slept with once said upon revealing to me his rather humble penis....

After the -9F bicycle commute this morning, they would have paid me to enter.

Also be a kind, interested, respectful dude with good hygiene.

"I should go over there and offer my penis, just to be sure."

Lol that is the safe way to go. I had a guy about your height, maybe a little taller, approach me on the subway platform at 3am. I'm 5 feet even and while I'm fine dating tall guys, I don't like strangers in my personal space, especially those who tower over me for no reason. I'm of the firm belief that once the

This assumes no creepy staring though, and someone looking at you on purpose. I usually observe everyone and may look at people three times over the course of say, an hour or so. I'm not flirting, so I'm not sold on the theory. :)

i think I love you.

Yeah, I catch myself frequently looking people in the eyes. There's no motive behind it, aside from wanting to not feel like having to avoid all human beings.

But what about animals? Or inanimate objects?

In all seriousness, if you get looks of disgust or people running away terrified from a "hello" or "good morning" you might want to take a broad look at your technique, bc that's not normal. Unless you're just saying this to random women on the street, in which case, don't take their perfectly normal desire not to

I fucking love you, my God.

I love your style.

No- you are GLORIOUS! That story made my drab office a little more fucking awesome :) thanks for sharing that gem!!!

With my luck, I'd pull out the gun and he'd be all...

of course not. If women get hungry, then they eat food. and when they eat food, then they get fat. and when they get fat, then all the boners get sad.

"Why haven't you punched me in the face and kidneys if you don't want to have sex?"

"Why did you go to lunch with me if you didn't want to have sex?"