cats a'silenced by white liberals

hmmmm. . . interesting choice of words. . .
interesting. choice. of. words.

Haha the part at 2:26 when Mama gives the finger to the couple with a stroller on the sidewalk is the best.

Imagine how confusing that would be.

"The fuck was that?"

"I don't know but did you hear an accordion??"

lolololol the language that just tries... so hard

well yeah...

but i do love your username

"Because of his BLACK MUSLIM DAD." He might as well have just said it.

The stop-and-frisk grew out of Rudy's "broken windows" anti-crime program, but I'm not sure which tool brought SAF online. I just assume it's Rudy, because Rudy.

The funny thing is when he was growing up the white Christians of American would not have considered a second generation Italian Catholic a real American. Italian Americans raised their kids to patriotic in an effort to prove their Americaness and whiteness after that big war we fought with Italy. Your childhood did

You know, when 9/11 happened, I turned to my brother and said "this will either be a great moment for our country when we put aside our differences and move forward or it'll be an excuse for the police to get everything they've ever wanted but couldn't because of civil liberties concerns." 14 years and terrifying

OMG. Black cat shutting away the white cat. REVERSE RACISM.

OMG, Dude does not understand what is up. The crusaders burned through swaths of Europe, killing thousands on their way to the Holy Land, where they destroyed some of the most progressive cities in the world at the time. The crusaders and ISIS are the same: they are filled with hate, violence, and a wish to see the

wasn't this shitbag responsible for stop-and-frisk?

No, what he's literally saying is that Obama is not patriotic and wasn't raised like he was raised.

Dearest Rudy,

That is the Republican goto. Gun control, unamerican. Reduce federal spending on defense, unamerican. Not bombing the shit out of every Muslim country, unamerican.

As an American of Italian descent, he embarrasses me. He should have his last vowel removed.