cats a'silenced by white liberals

Thank you. :-)

Thank you!

Looks like a pantiliner.

My lips or hers?

"Logic" is a really fun word when you want to claim intellectual superiority in an argument where you are making scientific claims without any scientific training or research.

Yeah, "Bikini waxes" and /or "Brazilian waxes" do take a toll long-term. Add childbirth into the mix, and well...

If someone doubts how wise ancient Greeks were, all you have to do is read their plays and study their mythology. Those people knew human nature and weren't affraid to show it in their full glory (or misery). That being said, Cindy's body is of her hour, meaning beautiful for her age ;)

Oozing sexual pretension and aggressive defensiveness? Yes, this will keep your dick wet.

Now that there are studies that the spectacular rise in autism in children may have something to do with men who become fathers at an advanced age, I don't want me no old sperm.

Please don't feel sorry for us olds who don't have guys giving us "attention" any more. Hitting 35 and realizing that I could occasionally do things on my own and be left in fucking peace - blessed, beautiful peace - was the most exhilarating experience of my life.

Of course! The survival of the human race depends on people making babies, not raising them or ensuring that the world is capable of sustaining life!

I suggest you read all my answers in this thread, dearest. Bless your young heart.

No joke. I want to invent a cannon that shoots copies of Origin of Species straight at their heads.

I know, I'm 39 and about to give birth to my first child. My husband aparently finds me attractive enough to reproduce, even if I'm no longer 20. Go figure.

sometimes they wear very small thongs under swimsuits for hygienic purpose because they're using photoshoot samples that may be reused. could be the front gusset seam... or a piercing of some sort!

she might also have a landing strip that she leaves long so it's like a pube mohawk that's leaving that impression in her underwear

I also personally enjoy seeing the human part of humans.

Are you sure that's not some sort of vanity underwear, the kind you sometimes get to wear on movie sets or in photo sessions so you know your bits never show? But I guess it could be a piercing as well. Would certainly be a more interesting answer.

She is! And it's refreshing to see a belly that has stretch marks.

either that or a gigantic clit.