cats a'silenced by white liberals

That's also Her Daughter's name.

I love this Bitch.... Bet she could snatch up somebody's little Spicy Meatballs....Rumor has it She's fucking Matt Lauer behind the Peacocks ass at NBC,

It seems sadly typical of minor celebrities. They surround themselves with desperate hangers-on who know everything about them and agree with everything they say before they fully articulate it. Then, they get lazy, because they're used to not having to complete their thoughts.

THANK YOU. Thank you for furthering my point with those additions. You are so right, too. Practice what you preach and be consistent.

Her mother actually beat her and emotionally abused her, to the point where she left home at 14 to live with her older sister. So, yeah. Her mother.

Ah yes... the "Quentin Tarantino Racist", a more elaborate form of the "My Black Friends Say it's Cool if I Say it Racist"

It took a" long time for me to get "bitch" out of my vocabulary as well. I try to use asshole as a substitute because everyone has one.

She hasn't appropriated anything but she's made some racist comments about Asians in a travel blog she once had. I wouldn't label her a malicious racist, but she's the kind of racist who thinks that using slang will automatically make black people like her, you know what I mean?

Azealia is wrong for using the word faggot, full stop.

If you get past the word and look to her point, she does have one. Her use of a slur obscures it, but I'm kind of surprised no one is willing to discuss her point more than your horror that you don't like the word she uses to make it. Should she use faggot? No. Does it diminish her point? Yes. Does she still

You may not think you're being homophobic, but you still are, regardless.

I finally figured out who Sam Smith reminds me of

I mean she's Yeezy to the 10th. That first part about misogynistic white gay men, is a valid point. If I ha a dollar for every white gay male who came to me snapping their fingers rolling their necks and calling me sistah. And then try to tell me about my own womanhood. And then getting hot when I don't think its

I agree with you. Iggy and Azealia are both sides of a shitty coin, even though her comments about Iggy are spot on.

Madeleine, you promised me Charlie Hunnam and all I got was the story on lame-brains Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. WORST GIFT EVER.

Although a lot of what she says about the antipathy toward black people a lot of gay people seem to have is spot on, her use of slurs and general stupidity puts her in the same category as Igloo in my personal opinion.

I HATE THAT. you can just feeellll it moving

the other day i was laughing rly hard and my tampon was clearly aiming for an escape

Ah. That's as good as when you suddenly really get bad cramps and then feel the slow ooze and you know...YOU KNOW what's happening...but you're in a meeting or something and you can't do anything about it.

I just sneezed and got a fun panty favor