cats a'silenced by white liberals

It can be very invisible unless you're with a woman when it happens, which is rare. I remember in college I was walking down the main drag with my boyfriend, and a car full of guys started catcalling me. I have a pretty bad temper as it is, and it was worse then, AND that is one of my triggers, so I just let loose. I

English people say glacier funny.

My step-dads best friend is this gigantic bear of a Scottish man with an indecipherable accent. The first time I met him was at a minor league hockey game and all I wanted him to say was "we need more dilithium crystals, captain!" (I was kind of a dick in high school). As I got older, I learned to really appreciate

This whole study makes no sense. Any questions that purport to be about accents but treat every country as possessed of one monolithic accent is idiotic, and England has a particularly dense spread of accent variations. If your question treats the "English accent" as a single thing, you are necessarily taking your

oh yeah, that made me miss Mexico City so bad. I wish she'd come to New Orleans...I love her work. She is a gift, a true artist,/teacher.

Not surprised that a British accent is #1 because there is no other explanation for my wife's lust for Colin Firth.

So white accents are the most attractive. Who's surprised?

It Pittsburgh right? Yinz guys ain't ever been dahn da Burg for some sweet hankie pankie.

I sure like Tom's voice :D

While I never cat called a woman before I never use to think it was a big deal. Then one day I ran in to the pharmacy to pick something up while my girlfriend just waited in the car & when I came back some asshole was tapping on her window. He kept knocking on the window, telling her to roll it down, he "just wanted

So impressed with her project and scope. Catcalling really is universal, and so many men are frikking clueless as to why we would not be flattered by it. My favorite video about this was the mothers who were given makeovers and were catcalled by their own sons when they strolled by (not knowing it was their mothers).

My school was full of surfers and sports stars. Anyone even slightly weird, pale, shy, overweight, or poor, was fair game. I remember one girl who was too poor to buy shoes and the teacher bought her some, they made fun of her for YEARS. I wish I could find her now and apologise. Your gum kid sounds like a mix of

We were a school of misfits. A girl with bald spots and awkward disposition wasn't even a blip on the radar for us. The kid that smashed his face into the vending machine every day until a few packs of gum fell out and then chewed 20 pieces at the same time? That was weird. Nobody picked on him because everyone was

The fact that men all over the world use the same stupid, disgusting lines -many of the things that the women were saying in the last video I have heard as far distant as rural Yorkshire, England, to give an example - just goes to show a massive collective lack of imagination.

I have this. But mine is different, I don't do my head hair TOO much, just the wiry ones. I pull out all my other body hair, and my eyebrows. In middle school, before I got super vain, I pulled out all the eyelashes in the corners of my eyes to the middle. My mother was horrified. I pick at EVERYTHING. I have spots on

This is so sad yet enlightening. One of my sisters does this with her eyebrows and in HS I knew a girl who would sit in class and rub her skin raw.

I went to a school where the kids were all assholes. I always wish now that I'd been brave enough to stick up for the kids who were picked on. It is really really lovely to hear that other schools had nice kids in them.

I went to middle school with a girl suffering from trich and people treated her horribly. She'd sit in class, pulling out her long hair a few strands a time, wrap it around her finger, and then eat it. I was horrified because I had no understanding of why she would do that, but I felt it best to just ignore it. I

How awesome that she has taken her work and is working with the locals on their terms.