cats a'silenced by white liberals

I hear some guys do, never did a thing for me though. I think for most men there just aren't enough nerve endings in the areola to make for much of a sensation.


I'm literally pumping right now as I read Jezebel

You have no idea. I'm a pacifist, but ruining someone's breast milk due to laziness should be a capital crime.

Damm Italian... looks like He's burned up the Macchinetta maker and please... He needs to cover his nipples He's confusing the baby.

Dammit! I think you should Staple his nipples together and cut them off with a dull katana sword then he wouldn't be so forgetful.

So thaaaat's what Bruno Mars is singing about.

Seriously. Pumping is no fun.

My daughter was slow to catch on to nursing properly and I almost gave up and exclusively pumped while I healed. That lasted only under a week luckily. I give major props to women who solely pump because it blows. I was so stressed.

Hmmm... I suspect you're screwing with me.

My husband once heated up a whole six-ounce bottle and then fell asleep so it sat out, unused, for several hours until it went bad.

it works best if you shave your chest hair into a star shape and then attach clothes pins to your nipples. Do it. For science.

White gold is right. I almost cried the one day I knocked over a full bottle.

Boycott. Jesus.

That was evident when they murdered all those kids in the Super Bowl commercial...

dont be a quitter

That's it—throw down, right now! Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts: express milk, on the spot. Right now. Do it like your imaginary starving baby depends on it. I want to see each one squeeze out one little drop of white gold.

I've been giving one side hell. It might be time to switch.

definitely shave your chest first

Apparently nothing is sexist if it has ever happened to a man! Ever been catcalled? Sorry, not a sexist thing cuz one time a man got whistled at. Paid less than your male colleagues? Nope, no sexism here, remember that one time a man got paid less than a woman he was working with? Discouraged from entering STEM fields