cats a'silenced by white liberals

I dream of the day when there are free tampons in every bathroom. Bring on the matriarchy!

I am going to point to this the next time some young, white Albertan guy -with no post secondary education, who's clearing over $100k right out of high school- says that I should just go work in the oil field if I want to make good money.

What an utter shit.

These assholes really can't hear themselves when they cry their bitter privilege tears, can they?

I have been the only woman in my department for 4 years now, I hear you. Buuuut the new division director is a woman! Yay!

women: to the left
men: to the right

Boo fucking hoo you soft willed motherfucker.

A scene from House of Commons, footage taken earlier today:

We did it, guys! We politically corrected this guy right out of office!

So women and minorities have a glass ceiling where they cannot get to the top, no matter what they do. And white guys have a glass ceiling where no matter how hard they stomp their feet, they cannot descend to the bottom. Reverse glass ceiling....Gotcha.

This is the equivalent of like an 8 year old stomping off the basketball court and screaming "I'm not playing anymore!" because someone is actually trying to play against him.

I work for a small company comprised mainly of men. In fact when I first started here I was the only woman for about a year.

I hear "reverse glass ceiling" and think that pragmatically, that would be a glass floor. I get why he's upset— imagine trying to keep THAT clean.

I remember learning about the Reverse Glass Ceiling on Urban Dictionary. I don't think I can pull my legs back that far.

The glass ceiling is an upper bound on what women can achieve, no matter how good they are. So I'm guessing the reverse glass ceiling is a lower bound on what men can achieve, no matter how mediocre they are?

Only 77% are white men? How truly oppressive.