cats a'silenced by white liberals

I see your baby shwarma and raise you a displeased baby taco.

Oh god if she actually did a Reddit ask me anything, I'd actually sign up for a Reddit account and unleash the hounds of war on that message board.

I am very into this outfit even though I also hate it?


"I hope you get Ebola!"

Please don't become a thing... oh, and that Dallas Cowboy meme not being able to catch anything?

This is the advice I would give myself as well.

Advice to my 14 year old self:

True, but as an actor myself, even great performances are bolstered by a solid supporting cast. ;)

Yeah exactly. Nowadays your problems from then are hilariously inconsequential. But at the time they were a big deal. I always cringe at this sort of thing because to give advice is semi admitting that you think you screwed it all up and that you should have done something or felt something differently. To that

You can give all the advice you want to young teen yourself. You won't listen. You jerk.

It wasn't till my mid-20s I finally got it: NOBODY CARES. No one gives a shit. Absolutely no one.

I think about this a lot, what I would tell myself, but I know myself and I know the nature of 14-year-olds and I just don't think ninth-grade me would listen. Believing you are the only one who FEELS things and that no one else understands you is kind of tantamount to the high-school experience, I think.

That being

Wow, I did not realize Viola Davis was such an amazing speaker and passionate lady. Two thumbs way up!

It's even more insidious than that. There is such a stigma attached to asking for the help that is available that some people would rather go hungry (and their children, too) than reach out for assistance because they are ashamed and feel like they should "pulling their own weight" by their bootstraps like real

Good lord, I admire this woman so much.

It will always astound me that this happens in the richest countries in the world, all because some people want to make sure no one gets what they worked for for free, for any reason.

My sexual education teacher was horrible. He said to me, " shouldn't be out in the open with your sexuality. It makes others uncomfortable, and makes you look like a target and a victim." He said that transgender people and bisexuals " not exist, they're doing it for attention." He also said that "