cats a'silenced by white liberals

Yes, seriously. That statement is a weird, red flag to me. It's her child. Even if the accusations are false, it is your child.

Glad I could entertain. We need it with jackasses like the guy I responded to up in this thread. ;)

No, I think you're weirdly determined to see all mothers as having loose floppy vaginas even though the reality is many don't. Of course someone like you focuses on exactly one sentence of my lengthy response.

People don't realize just how broken a lot of these 'stars' truly are. They also don't realize how sleazy Hollywood truly is. A lot of parents would do anything to make their children a star and that includes turning a blind eye to the creeps they give their children to.

word. I wish I had had a caring ethical sex shop mentor back in the day. Or the internet. Or anything other than the confident idiocy of a typical teen. 😉

I am a mental health professional, and I would agree that her behavior is typical for a victim of trauma. While I of course do not know her, or her family, I do believe there is reason to investigate her allegations.
Is it any wonder why victims of abuse don't come forward?

Why not both? She could be erroneously accusing people of sexual misconduct and have been victimized by someone else.

Literally, dirty sex, since it was an unfinished "wine cellar." But it was one of the best sex times in my life.

I know, it's so sad. Shia LaBoeuf has also accused his parents of abuse and Jez is still treating his meltdowns as "wacky celebrity antics" (as they did with Amanda Bynes for a long time). I wonder how many breakdowns, overdoses and deaths it will take before we realize many of these ex-child stars are acting out from…

So many of the demons women battle were sicced on them by sexually predatory men.

If they are true, I can understand her meltdown for the past few months. I was abused by my stepfather too, and I blocked it out for several years, but when I turned 17, I went completely nuts, shaved my hair, stole money, set his (empty) car on fire and ran away. The fact that she was under the limelight for so long…

If anyone couldn't tell this woman was suffering from PTSD they must have been blind. It was finally crashing in on her after holding it back for so long and she tried to use drugs to deny and resist the truth.

Really, I didn't know that. You learn something new every second.

It's serious business, and I demand answers!

Lol, that's why they marry those white conservative rich white me,and vote republicans.

I love how you just dance around the fact that those white men aren't married to themselves.

White women profit just as much from the system. That's why they love to vote republicans.

You mean no one benefits more from Governments than cishetero white people right?

Hasn't Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar and been nominated more than once and won several golden globes or something? I'm pretty sure her career was doing pretty well on its on before this.

Your great-grandmother used to use a mixture of alum and water. You're too good for that now, huh, Missy?