cats a'silenced by white liberals

I smiled so wide upon reading this. Ah yes. GOOD.

This is awesome, nice work Reed Pop. Hopefully we'll see these up at C2E2 next year.

Right? It also goes a long way in explaining why he's so frustrated by women in power. Why can't they all be infantile comatose rag dolls like they are in his fantasies?!

You're doing the Lord's work, Chief. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

That "book" is all him and his issues. Fucking gross.

How fortunate! Now there will be an empty theater where he can take ALL the seats.

RIP Terrence Howard's career, you'll be sorely missed. NOT.

His tail makes me think little Shiba Inu or Akita, but I don't really know. I've had that .gif in my files forever.

Then fuck it all, kitten and puppy pics everywhere:

guyz, am i doing this right?

I actually did not know about this! Kind thanks!

#notallmen, amirite?

Are you really dropping some #NotAllMen bullshit around here while women are dying for just being women?? In a second article within an hour span from the first one about a woman rejecting man's advances and getting punished by violence and death because of it. Just stop.

So why does this happen so often? I don't doubt that this man is dealing with some sort of mental issue. But this very specific crime of hurting (or even killing) women because of rejection has been happening alarmingly often, so I think you'll find that it's a combination of our "rape culture" and "male

I know I am safe from STDs because I am yoked by my husband's sex. His sex is an umbrella sheltering me from the storm of syphillis that threatens the fabric of our family.