cats a'silenced by white liberals

What makes you think the shooter is white? That neighborhood is nearly all black. And the victim doesn't exactly look dark-skinned to me. I'm not seeing a racial angle but if you have alternative information please post it here.

Fair enough. I wasn't offended or anything, just sharing my experience.

*replying to you so I don't accidentally approve rb1111*

When white folks (like me) become a minority nationwide, I believe we'll find that the only appropriate emotions for us are shame and embarrassment at how poorly we treated minorities, in comparison to how well we are treated as minorities. I'm basing that prediction on my experiences as a white non-Hispanic minority

As a white kid who has some small experience being a racial minority: GOOD.

Also the institutionalized discriminatory mechanisms entrenched in American society aren't just going to disappear when no one is actively driving them. Even when the majority of influence and power in this country is transferred to people who do believe in all forms of equality. They will need to be actively sought

I'll just leave this here:

So what you're suggesting is that a large part of conservative ideology is really just not-so-well-disguised racism, fearmongering, hatred of anyone different from them, and an irrational aversion to change?

Seriously, I wonder who established that precedent...

You'll pull through.

brb going to buy a cup that says "white tears".

I'm really looking forward to a time when giving directions I can tell people to avoid Ronald Reagan Boulevard. I hope I live long enough to see it.

White people are scared of being in a minority? But, but...why? I mean, it's not like minorities in this country are treated badly...right?

You're a secret?! I'll never tell, promise.

Don't feed the trolls everyone. If you see something, just dismiss it, and leave it alone, even if you agree or disagree with others' responses to it.

We value the ability to purchase guns at Wal-Mart more than protecting first graders from being gunned down at schools. Women, in the year 2014, earn less than men for doing the same work. We actively look for ways to justify the murders of unarmed black people and women continue to be kept from making medical

(Not me because lol I don't care and the majority of people on Earth are non-white.)

Well, at least there will be significantly more cheerleading routines to rip off.

Well, for one thing, white people are going to throw fits about what's taught in US history courses, because America can't just get by on "patriotism" and "Manifest Destiny" anymore.