cats a'silenced by white liberals

Awwwwwwww! That brought me back to my little pot-head days! I was right back there in my giant Osiris skate shoes and Roxy t-shirts (layered over long sleeve t-shirts of course!)

Ugh. Look at his fucking face. I read that headline with that photo and got one of those deep shudders down my spine that just confirms that yes, this is a scumbag.

I rebooted the phone——which I have to do frequently——and now it seems to work.

Kind of makes you wonder if he was part of the reason Jessica Biel wanted off the show so bad.

I know it is wrong for me to hope this motherfucker kills himself.

What an sick ass Collins is. I hope he gets charged and sent to prison for a long time. His earnings over the years should also be sent to his victims. Anyone remember him playing a child molester on HBO's The Hitchhiker? He played a teacher having sex with his student who was about 15.

Awful, but pretty on the nose. Maybe it's weird to say, but he always gave off that vibe to me. Gave me the heebies.


This is not surprising at all. I've always found him creepy, though I used to chalk it up to the "everything is perfect with God" nature of his 7th Heaven character.

Ah! I always thought he was a creep, and I hated that garbage show even as a kid—I think I just sensed that it was awful religious propaganda.

Collins is currently the subject of an NYPD criminal investigation

I don't know, dude. There are a lot of places in North America where Nickelback is considered cool and liking them an act of sure-footed, dork-bro compliance and not bold, DGAF defiance. You may end up befriending some Mysteries and Scott Staphs and former 'The Bachelorette' contestants and Kid Rock roadies and 'Anger

Oh Emma, I looooooove Nickelback. Can we be besties and paint each other's toenails now? Cuz this pinky toe ain't painting itself.

You know what? I would go out of my way to be friends with anyone who admits to liking Nickelback. Not because Nickelback isn't a terrible band, but because anyone who admits to liking Nickelback in this day and age is a person who doesn't give a fuck whether people think s/he's cool. And people like that are keepers.

Yeah, just wait until you guys see my egg salad Kickstarter.

This is an an appropriate and measured response to a known threat. Where do I sign up?

The first rule of Nickelback its that you don't think about Nickelback.

So your basic scam then?