Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe

I’m elated you see where I’m coming from! I went into a bit more detail after I saw the film. I get the accolades for the performances, but the movie itself is just...boring. QT had a lot of ideas and thought “I’ll put them in a blender and make a smoothie movie.”

Screw “public good”, there’s money to be made!

Don’t be cheap here--you know full well I didn’t use it to mean they’re paupers. No one deserves this shit. It doesn’t matter how much money they do or don’t have.

That’s what I hate about the vegan fashion bandwagon—sure, I agree that we shouldn’t slaughter animals senselessly just for their fur and meat, but at least these are natural things, unlike plastic. I might have a leather handbag with some metal accents and a cotton lining but it’s gonna be much more durable than that

I remember this awful story. There’s very little recourse for parents if their adult children get caught up in the lies and manipulations of a deranged narcissist. It’s happened to both of my sisters unfortunately.

I’m from Minneapolis and I miss that so much. 

What about Daria Morgendorffer? No one wore a skirt with more “fuck you” essence than that character.

When drafting the book, Cummins said she was “afraid of being called to account for myself.” Which, of course, is precisely what happened: Cummins was called to account for her record of claiming she was white and unequipped to write about race, before doing a full pivot to being a Latina who felt compelled to

I remember watching my friend play Myst and wishing I could play it on my computer at home. I used to go to his house and we’d be sitting there trying to figure out the puzzles while we drank IBC sodas and ate Chips Ahoy! cookies.

I was assigned to read that my senior year of high school (thanks, AP English teacher) at random. The girl next to me got Frankenstein and I was so, so jealous. We had already read Tess of the D’Urbervilles so I was understandably OVER Thomas Hardy.

It was my favorite book I read in college (English major here)!

Azar’s statement described the Trump administration as “the most pro-life administration in this country’s history.” We are proud to be ‘the Department of Life’ and will continue protecting life and lives while upholding the fundamental freedoms and inherent dignity of all Americans,” Azar wrote.

“Spirit was acting like they weren’t going to do anything about it,” she said. “Even the pilot told me to go into the airport towards the front desk to ask for police assistance.”

I went to high school in Texas, where they barely teach sex ed in health class and I was ostracized for not praying around a fucking flagpole before school. It does not surprise me that this question appeared on a homework assignment.

That’s what my parents said when they watched the show. He doesn’t bother me though :(


Whomever was threatening to blackmail her is a fucking ass. Why can’t she live her life without fear and shame? Those money-grubbing $hit$ wanted to break this story because transgender news items are much bigger now than they were 5 years ago and Nikkie has had tons of visibility with brand collaborations. I watched

In Sweden essentially all packaged alcoholic products are sold by a government-owned corporation named Systembolegat, which has liquor stores across the country.

I’ve redone mine with the same employer before for this reason because I wanted to ensure the right amount of tax was taken out.