Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe

It’s basically the Dannon Probiotic Yogurt Gift Guide. Bland, all the same color, will probably make you poop.

Militant vegans are the most annoying people ever and Moby is no exception.

Who could forget this juicy article that says even his own family members don’t like him?

The idea of Trump taking those Jared jewelry commercials literally when it comes to implementing terrible ideas makes me chuckle. “It can only be Jared!!!!” 

Treatment is also referred to as “passing the piece.”

The hospital is called “PeaceHealth”? Certainly a place where peace is only offered to the ethics committee and practicing Catholic employees, but not the patients.

I’m a yoga instructor, and consent is a HUUUUUGE thing in yoga, as well as what standards should be upheld by yoga teachers. Interestingly, the NYT article nor this piece made any reference to Yoga Alliance or their Standards Project. They have a lot of naysayers, but at least YA is trying to do something to mitigate

lol, because that’s totally what happens 100% of the time, right? I get what you’re really saying, which is that women aren’t people. Cool. Have a nice day.

“But people get blacklisted, or they get labeled.” So instead staffers relied on the warnings and the whisper network, until such rumors became impossible to ignore.

Why are you holding women accountable for something a man did TO THEM? Get out of here with this Bill Cosby defense.

Stove? What kind of a name is that? Are you an appliance?”

Also Terry Crews’ role, and Annie’s former roommate.

Bridesmaids is the only film that made me laugh hard when I saw it in the theater. I saw it with my sister and we SCREAMED in the theater most of the way through it.

She makes 29 sound 59+. You’re not self-partnered, you’re ALONE! Just fucking admit it. It takes a lot more nerve to assert that you’re alone. “Self-partnered” sounds like something out of the United States of Tara. I’ve been single since just before I turned 31. LIVE IT UP!

I should be more angry than I am, considering that so many people with so much more power than I will ever have made choices knowing it would ultimately rob my generation of functioning planet that has fostered life for millions of years.

I think Pete Buttigieg is like that crappy Dubble Bubble bubblegum. It’s great for about a minute, and then the more you chew it, the staler it becomes. Then you pop another piece to get the flavor back, and it becomes one large tasteless wad.

Who the fuck would abuse the “privilege” of free tampons? At a MIDDLE SCHOOL? 

Damn, I knew there was a larger reason for my move out of DC than fleeing a possible terror attack due to Trump, but I certainly wasn’t expecting a monumental slime takeover.

He won’t need a costume tomorrow, that’s for sure.