Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe

très disappointing. They should’ve just reprinted a page from Bop or Tiger Beat from 1995.

Kate “2 Leggings for $24” Hudson

Just because some young skaters can do jumps that the older women don’t doesn’t mean they are, overall, better skaters than their older counterparts. I’d say that the older skaters are still generally more skilled than the young girls who are doing quads. There is more to skating than the jumps and spins even if

Absofuckinglutely. Our fetishization of serial killers is just as disturbing as the fetishization serial killers have of their victims. Whenever I see people wearing shirts with Manson’s face on them (which, now that I’m not in high school anymore, isn’t as frequent), I wanna ask if they’d wear a shirt with Hitler on

You have quite the collection of punk band names now!

I’m disturbingly aware of all this as I’ve been coming to NYC for 20+ years and my grandparents grew up here. It’s like NYC and the MTA need the TMNT to map the underground.

YES, the best gif!

I will order all the best hamberders from all the best American restaurants, like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s!

came here to say the same thing!

I’ve only lived in NYC for a few months, and I’ve helped someone with one of those huge granny carts up the stairs. The person was very, very thankful and it also helped everyone behind us get up the stairs faster. A lot of the stairs in the subway are really narrow and when you have lots of people coming up the same

This story worsens with the passing days. The patient’s parents and family are living in a nightmare.

RIGHT!! Damn.

ummm yeah, I’m aware of that, that’s why I said the insurance fraud thing is stupid.

If this isn’t a prime example of what the hell is wrong with our “healthcare system” in this damn country then I don’t know what is. This lady was trying to help a sick person, yes the insurance fraud part is stupid, but if we had fucking single payer then she wouldn’t have committed the fraud in the first place. JFC

YES! It’s so good. I also realized she and I have the same sweater so now I’m gonna call it channeling my inner Saga when I wear it.

“I know it’s hard. I know people have families, they have bills to pay, they have mortgages, they have rents that are due.” But she added, “It’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now.”

Season 4 is out on Hulu!!!

Someone on my Facebook feed said the same thing. “Look what can happen to babies now!!!! HORRIBLE!” Cue me going “nobody is at week 37 and going, ‘you know what, I don’t want this anymore,’” and calling up a provider and demanding an abortion.

The spray-on hair incident has been one of my favorite memories of this disastrous crap administration. It’s literally the shape of a stained sanitary napkin, and nearly the same color, too! 

Cue me singing the “Every Sperm is Sacred” song from The Meaning of Life.