Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe

I know someone who used to work in the industry and now has a podcast to share what it was like. It’s very interesting. I’ll have to forward this article onward as I’m not sure if they worked with Greg Lansky or any of the other folks mentioned.

If they weren’t aware one of their patients was pregnant, what else are they missing? Furthermore, whoever did this to this woman could’ve done things to other patients there. It’s damning enough that they weren’t aware that one of their patients in a vegetative state was pregnant, and apparently the CEO knew it was

Exactly. This place sounds like they hired people to do two things: collect a paycheck and get their rocks off. What the fuck kind of abusive “healthcare” were they providing in addition to this?

I’m from Minnesota and mine definitely comes back when I visit or talk to family from there, dontcha  know!

No, no Nicolas Cage speak for me!

Years ago, when I studied abroad, I was with a bunch of Australians and realized I’d changed my speaking patterns to mimic theirs, and apparently, that’s a thing. It wasn’t my intention. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until I’d been doing it for a few days.

I’m sure he’s like Jared from Subway. puke.

All the applause for AOC! We’ve been getting the short end of the stick for so long over here when it comes to healthcare, education, housing, and transportation, and the head idiot at the White House thinks a safety net is a fucking wall.

I’m super pissed about healthcare right now because I have zero benefits and

Yeah, I’m sure no one wants this guy to show up:

It’s the remix to R Kelly’s attrition. I hope they build a nice hefty case against this turd.

Is there a place we can send this French fossil? 

I’ve purposely, yet unconsciously tried to made myself invisible by being overweight because in my mind, bigger means less WTF comments. That’s not true either. That’s been my reason for bingeing and treating my body like crap, all because I’ve been terrified of what men will say about MY body. I’m reclaiming my body

BRAVO!!!! Thank you, Wende. 

Well, he’s already got verbal diarrhea. Might as well make both ends match.

Or ghost pepper mouthwash! Someone put some of that in Trump’s Diet Coke.

I thought Kevin Hart was funny for like 2 seconds, then I realized he’s basically Wayne Brady and Chris Tucker in a blender. Now I’m annoyed that his crap nonapology and apparent blessing by Ellen Degeneres are supposed to set him free from people accusing him of being homophobic. #bye

Don Lemon laid out the high rates of child abuse and homelessness Black LGBTQ youth face due to parents with this exact “my kid could never be gay” attitude.

I eat there a lot too, and I really, really look forward to my Palm Beach with chicken salad.

I’m glad he resigned, but is there another, more appropriate image to use? Like one that doesn’t say “possible assault”?

This story makes me want to puke and never interact with men ever again. :/

Assessing healthcare costs shouldn’t be like buying a new car where you want to shop around for the best prices and deals. This is a waste of time and effort.