
Yeah, I’m really not sure why people are equating using a gay sex act in a joke to saying that gay sex is bad or to be made fun of. The joke isn’t that Trump is gay, it’s that Trump likes Putin so much that he gives Vlad frequent blowjobs. Honestly, people that are calling this joke homophobic seem a little anti-gay

Except those personal opinions were very publicly expressed and would most likely very negatively affect the sales of the game. I actually don’t think it’s shitty at all to fire someone who has evil beliefs, as Mr. Tron does, regardless of the legality of it. I wouldn’t want some racist asshole working for me, even if

I think the difference is first party support. The Switch will be getting the best Nintendo has to offer PLUS lots of indies. The Vita tried a little bit to have that first party awesomeness but then Sony seemed to just stop supporting it. For me Nintendo first party and the indie scene is totally enough to justify

No to be too much of a Nintendo apologist here, but I think it’s only fair to point out that if you buy a physical copy of a game, you don’t have to install it. People are so used to discs that I could see some thinking that you have to install even if you bought a cartridge. I still think 32gb isn’t enough, but if