
“White supremacist groups like Patriot Front have no place in Burlington,”

True. Policies are reactive. That’s why you’ve got a “No fishing with worms on Sunday” rule in Anytown, USA. Policies are only meant to protect the institution, and have no foundation in ethics. It’s a product of our litigious society, not a sign that companies have suddenly grown a soul.

Here’s the thing - I’m an employee of the parent company. There’s been an “ombudsperson” line up for at least a decade that is supposedly anonymous so we don’t face retaliation. On several occasions, people in my division have made reports about this sort of thing and they are never dealt with. It’s nothing but BS

Last year we had an invite in our office to the annual “ holiday party.’

He knows what he said was bullshit. These tweets aren’t for you and I or anyone who exists in consensus reality. They are for the base. And in Baseland, Nobummer declared the phrase “Merry Christmas” illegal. Never mind that there are so many reasons that exist in objective observable reality why it isn’t true, it

I was working as a cashier at my retail job this week, and the area I live in consists mostly of upper middle class folks who are truly dumb as bricks, I mean truly just your typical ignorant white fucks (of course they’re not all white but I’m in a bad mood and feel like indulging in some self-loathing): They were

Mike Pence was picked for his ball-handling skills.

I do hope they’re imparting to him that living in the White House is actually a noteworthy experience and not just another aspect of Dad’s Dumb Job

I just got home from a lovely Christmas dinner with my wife’s family. There were 7 kids and 19 adults and my daughter spent the whole time wearing a Cinderella dress. Nobody talked politics and Trump’s name wasn’t uttered once.

He signed the bill last week, making the tax cuts appear in 2018. The GOP wanted the bill signed January 2018 so the cuts would appear in 2019 and not hang around their necks during the mid-terms. It’s not a lot, but it made me happy how impulsive he is.

Get the fuck out of here. You might as well feel bad for Eva Braun.

Keep Saturn in saturnalia!

I’m almost at a point of losing compassion for his base, and just want them to die off (which many of them will eventually, due to lack of healthcare)

They are all Michelle Duggar.

I’m so sick of this Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays shit. People need to grow the fuck up and understand the world doesn’t revolve around them. The only “war” was Christians’ aggressive intolerance of anyone/group with different beliefs. “Holidays” literally means “Holy days.” It is a term of respect for traditions

Shame the idiot hasn’t learned this day has nothing to do with Jesus and it’s just a pagan holiday the Catholics used to try and convert pagans.

I told the checkout girl at CVS “happy whatever” and she seemed to thoroughly enjoy that.

Never thought my response to hearing “Merry Christmas” would be “oh shit is this person trying to tell me they’re a Nazi” but here we are.

Which Fox News will advertise as the sincere unvarnished truth. The tweets’ true raison d’être. While progressives roll our eyes at the seemingly blatant hypocrisy, Fox uses them to buttress his base and convince their audience that they are an actual reflection of reality. He doesn’t publish them because he’s stupid