I...I don’t think that’s accurate...
I...I don’t think that’s accurate...
Are you denying that it’s a lot harder in every way to raise a severely disabled child without any support?
Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired of the smug “if you really loved him you’d value the relationship more than a piece of jewelry” attitude. There’s emotional blackmail, and then there’s just being honest about what you want and need so the other person can make an informed decision.
My husband said it perfectly years ago: When a man wants to get married, finances, lifestyle and time are not reasons, they are excuses. If he wants to marry you, he will propose.
It isn’t just a ring and a party. That’s only the wedding, and not everyone wants much of a wedding anyway.
When she told me she had to work with both of those two groups together, I was shocked, because it really makes no sense. It would be like trying to coach a football team and a soccer team at the same time. Like, sure, they both are team sports and use a ball, but the fundamentals and goals are pretty different.
I think every result is cat lady.
Relationship can’t change if you don’t enter into one, cats are all I need!