The Cynicalist

This is a very strong counter argument, and the crust will be amazing.

I’m going on 15 years cooking professionally and sous vide is handy and does an excellent job, it is not the BEST way to cook a steak in my view. It fails in texture. It makes the meat soft and almost mushy. I can make a steak look closer to the sous vide steak then the other one in the video with my Kamado. 900° over

By the way, there’s a whole lot of people out there bitching that the new movie is too much like the first Star Wars movie

I heard four (maybe five) of them were delivered WITHOUT vanity plates. Unbelievable.

i don’t know why but I sorta assumed Trudeau would drive a pontiac GTO (the Australian one), or some hot hatch.

The fuck, people. Put a bunch of dirt into a few dumpsters, drive it to the hole, and pour it in.

Yours truly,
An internet commenter who is not a scientist

1. It’s BlackFlag, not Jalopnik.

After the disenchantment of a full season with Honda engines, Jenson just needed to get away from things Japanese.

I can’t imagine a more suitable resume for the job.

Race to the moon.

That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.

Are you a cop?

Hell no, I had to use Google to convert it. Why the hell is freezing 32 degrees?

...they may replace one of the pair Rosberg

I find your lack of funds disturbing

MINE! Already fired off an email to the guy. $1500 for that is a steal considering that the R100 I looked at that was actually on fire and parked under a truck wheel in pieces was going for $2500.

From the front: “Drool...want.”

A little bit of both.

enhance on that topless beach...