The Cynicalist

They went to the parts bin and traded The Matrix for Minority Report.

Well yeah there's that.

Listen, I would argue that this seemed to be pretty successful.

my existential crisis is flaring up again.

If I remember correctly, the movie "Beethoven" featured a red 850. Bonnie Hunt AND a 8-series!

how my times have a wished for a programmable LED message scrolled on the back of my car.

Shit. this woodgrain is beautiful.

Come on this is a joke. No one naturally looks that untrustworthy.

uh yeah I believe that was where I was going with this.

But with the 'musk distortion field' you will BELIEVE they are making money.

This looks like chrome with a more confusing layout

If a self-driving car gets in an accident with another self-driving car... who pays the insurance claim? The programmers... or Google?

heartbreaking, all the way around.

I'm so confused. What is the point of the TSA when you can just pay to bypass them? Are they assuming that terrorists never plan ahead? HELP ME UNDERSTAND

Why does this feel so similar to the Ukrainian situation?

It still gives me a game-boner.

Hah! I was just messing around

this is the voice in which I read your comment.

For some reason the grill looks more like opening the wound by undoing stitches from kidney removal.....

Toronto, Iran?