The Cynicalist

It would be better if white people stop thinking anything is racist until the ACLU files a suit. Otherwise its just phony pretentiousness. And it shows our allegiance to the ACLU's unflinching black and white view on everything. Oh shit — Is saying "black and white" racist?

"I like this solution because it takes a bold, harsh look at the problem of battery range and bravely turns and runs away, into the welcoming arms of good old gasoline."

I think the boxy rear lights are becoming more of a GM styling concept. The new rear reminds me more of a 2013 Malibu than the Camaro. That being said, it is unsettling. The corvette styling always seemed anti-corporate. Now it's just the opposite.

Sturdily Sturdy build car in China for mass consumption!

Dude. Agreed.

Listen, I'll take Burqa'd-up women over a sausage fest any day too.

Guangzhou Automobile: Assemble sturdily stable in China!

Seizure GIFs

HAH Skip Barber.

Honda's social seating is like Facebook. You're the driver and the person you are in a relationship with sits in the passenger seat, then 2.5-3 of your friends sit in the back. You try to ignore them when they talk to you but you don't want to be rude.

Can't say how happy I am to see GM finally have something to compete with globally. It's a step in the right direction — would make my die-hard GM Dad proud!

I hope they give the new owners the same key fob you get when you buy an Malibu.


I think this comment showed enormous cultural sensitivity.

There's something "douche-y" about this video.

Is it ironic that after I look at Jalopnik I can't drive for three months because the GIFs give me seizures?

maybe a capitalization rate for the actual property value of the spot?

Look at that kid's face, even he's not happy about it.