Michael English

It was renewed. You fail.

Your comment is pretty much the definition of a criticism of Drag Race.

That's Puppazza. She will probably return for a cameo.

This review of the Goldfrapp album is incorrect.

I miss Robyn

I liked this episode because it sets every character up for massive upheaval in the second half of the season. Everyone has true motivation going forward. Hopefully that will be capitalized upon. (but Grace has just disappeared like her brother and Robyn and…)

1989 is a Max Martin album. Period. That is neither a complaint nor a compliment.

I think the joke is that Scary Wine isn't a pun, that the restaurant people were only clever enough to come up with one pun.

Enjoy looking classic to others decades after you are dead. Deep.

Fucking coward.

You seem to a repulsive thing. True filth the way you speak to people.

Shaving: ew. Some of us have impeccable hygiene. And my beard feels amazing to anyone. Your opinion is crap, realize that today.

You are filth.

This episode is infuriating. So many inaccurate statements involving Koenig speaking with Jay. The excitement she and Julie have is BEFORE they get to Jay's house. They are very deflated afterwards about lack of information. Julie is very taken with Jay. Also, Jay is the one that said "animal rage". The Clickhole dude

You are the reason this show is gone. Why would anyone be uncomfortable with that ending?