Mentat Thufir

I want a Life in Hell the cartoon!

Better than a Step By Step reunion. Wouldn't mind a Family Matters reunion though

Metallica did this before with Beatallica, a band which combined Metallica and Beatles songs cleverly. They got CaD letters so Lars personally told their lawyers to leave Beatallica alone and they gave their mighty rock beer gut gods approval.

Written purely in Assembly language.

I want to hug you

I know right? He just released an album that is like the puzzle box from Hellraiser-style intricate and complex with sinistar evil lurkings underneath, and for someone like Bowie its like 'no big deal'!!

This fucking sucks. I loved him, as a fan of his work, I mean I didn't know him personally. He had a more positive impact on my life than most people I've ever known… and I never met him! Mick and Earl and Reeves and Fripp and Belew and Eno, his bands were always solid as a neutron star, not to mention his lyrics

Bowie built the pyramids!

Actually the answer is Voyager and then the Animated Original Series

As someone who from age 5-11 was told on a regular basis that "you look just like McCauley Kulkin in Home Alone" I very much appreciate this concept. Home Alone was to violence what Pee Wees Playhouse was to surrealist-fun.