Ahh, pink. Is there any lady-related problem that it won’t solve? Trump should try being pink instead of orange to carry the lady vote.
Malatesta means “bad head” in Italian. That’s unfortunate.
i am 100% sure tom and lu have an open relationship and shes just not discussing it on camera
so basically I just have to stay inside my home for a year straight and I get a cool mil? Done and done. That ostrich can get pissed waiting, but it ain’t comin inside.
wtf are you talking about
This is an extraordinary step forward for the Catholic Church. Having this even on the table for discussion is terrific. And, yes, things move slooowly in the Catholic Church so it will be a long time before this comes to pass. But the Catholic Church is beginning to open up its view of the role that women can play as…
That was always my assumption too.
I feel like Takei would have a better understanding of what Roddenberry would favor considering they had an actual relationship with each other, while the rest of us can only speculate as to what Roddenberry would have preferred having never interacted with the man.
white str8 dudes: HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT WE DOIN
Relatedly, I'm suing them both because that little heart reminds me of how I would decorate my signature when I was 8 years old. Give me your money now, bitches.
Get med-thick chops. Cover with garlic powder and let sit overnight. Then, grill like above, but with a slight change. Last minutes of grilling, brush with bbq sauce one side. Flip the chop to let the sugars from the sauce char up a bit while brushing the other side. Flip to char up the sugars on the other side, about…
Right on. I think you're one of the best writers on this site.
Luann is me. My ex would get upset that I didn’t care about his past or that he admired other women while we were together.
I LOVE LUANN AND THAT SHE LOVES TO SLEEP AROUND AND LOVES LOVE! her special was amazing. i’m sure she has an open relationship with this guy NEWAY
But has she done as much as Sonja for the LGBT??
I haven’t read your post yet, but when I first heard this news....my first thought was “Bobby Finger will get to the Bottom of this! And you never disappoint. Again, don’t ever stop being Bobby Finger for us.
Idiots glorify other idiots.