
I don’t understand the Schumer hatred here, I just don’t. She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things? She’s a fucking comedian! (I’m not yelling at you Sparky, I love you, lol! I’m just so sick of this constant attack on her from both the left and

Nope. Not even kind of. Because Mitt Romney wasn’t an openly racist proponent of sexual assault.

There are a zillion good reasons why neither one of these people should be president, but it’s not gonna work on anyone who wants to say shit like “I live in a solidly blue state, so I have the luxury of voting with my conscience and choosing the candidate I think is best fit for the job, and that’s Dr. Stein.”

Hear that, ladies? This is just a big distraction from the IMPORTANT issues. Women wanting respect, wanting to not be grabbed by the pussy at work? What a bunch of whiners. Get your panties out of bunches and get back to making me feel big. Huge!

Came here to praise Martin Freeman, an actor who could have chemistry with a muddy lump of granite. But you covered that point quite nicely, thank you. So, thank you.

Walk around eating handfuls of loose hamburger meat out of a bag labeled HUMAN FLESH.

If I were famous I would fuck with paparazzi like this all the time. “I’m pregnant!” “I’m dating Jennifer Lawrence!” “I just got cast as the next Batman!”

No! It’s not a joke! But even though Robert Arquette claims Alexis was using male pronouns at the end of their life, I have since changed “brother” to “sibling.”

Why would you think she’s corrupt? It’s a smear the RNC has been working on for 30 years. The Clinton Foundation is a charity. They don’t personally benefit from it except possibly by reputation.

Proooooobably should have known the answer to this even without an intelligence briefing.

I would have gone with “misogynobject.”

Which is why I don’t do this for a living.

Careful, she could be reading this -right now-

“Breast implants” does not equal “curvy”, Taylor.

“This push for women to go topless in the 21st century is as strong as women wanting to vote in the 20th century,”

Thank you for giving us an inch (or a foot)

I’m starring all these fucking puns but I’m also very angry at all of you

Don’t get cuticle with me...

Wow, she really nailed him.

As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of

Mariah just being honest about Madonna: