Cap'n Jack Sparrow

2016 ‘Bu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2016 Optima

Silver painted plastics....2012 Ford Fusion?

“I know, lets put a straight line right above the curved grill! That wont clash at all!”

Per Jaloper at the actual autoshow: CT6 is at least in the same conversation with the competition. More to be determined later...

...please tell me you have a GIF of this now?

Dat hybrid doe, 48 MPG City? Sign me up!

Meh, it looks fresher. It’s not as simple as they added a few creases here and there and reduced the awkward large chrome bit on top of the grille. Overall, a nice little refresh.

“Cant into interior design”? Why cant you English?

I’m personally a HUUUUUUUUUUGE fan of integrating the new Escalade’s new grille into the CT6. Somehow it just works, like its “curvey-angular” likey.


mmmm, dem curvey angles doe

Twas my first vehicle..... 1993 regular cab, long box, 2x4, 2.3L 4-Banger with approximately 347,287 KAGILLLLION miles. Went through 3 tailgates on it, but the original motor and trans are still in it. Know the current owner, still chuggin with if I had to guess about 215,000 miles? Love them.

For $5,200 I can get a hella-better Ranger.

I guess, but if he thinks the Cummins is an available option for a 1/2 ton pickup, he needs to find another website to pass time on.

Per, the Hemi is a $1,150 option and the Eco-Diesel is a $4,270 option. The Eco-Diesel commands $3,120 premium over the Hemi.

Nice try asshat.

Dat aggressive look doe!

As a Bean Counter, I approve this message.

When TVR did that in a car that weighed under 2,500 lbs, you know it's going to be insane. It broke the dyno, and scared the daylights out of TVR boss Peter Wheeler. Only one prototype survives.

When the internet give you answers to the questions you didnt know you had...

Perform Twin-Turbo LSx swap. Rule the world.