Cap'n Jack Sparrow

Thats my point though, it will need careful calibration to not break the wheels loose when trying slowly crawl up something. Just playing devils advocate and noting the one thing to watch for when the truck launches (pun intended).

I said that in the response above.....anywho, if one does find themselves in a slower situation offroad, which will happen more often than not, how linear will the throttle/acceleration be when one needs gradual throttle increases?

No, just no. It cost a MILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$.

I concur Dr. The real interesting factor is with more reliable cars and technology, the more complicated the problems are to diagnose/fix.....Oh, your car just died? Was it a sensor? Wire short? Bad connection? Bad Battery? Bad Alternator? Bad Computer? lol, so complex.

All Millennial's? I would say yes based on the white collar crowd bringing down the entire population.

I guess I'm not concerned about the lag itself...more about what happens when the turbo's kick in.

Nah, not destroyed, just hit'em with a hammer really hard a few times and proceed to jump them off another bridge.! ;)

Being in the middle of the Millennial demographic (24 yo), I would say that the "average" lower income white collar (I'm a CPA) and well paid blue collar Mill' is buying into new cars again because:

1. Low interest rates
2. High quality cars for the first time ever across the board
3. The Mill's are soooo mechanically

Rock crawling + Turbos = ???????????????????????????????


Sorry, I should clarify. Tesla is the fist to offer a true EV (aka, no gas range extender) that is a legitimate car, aka more than 200 miles of range.

Right they are "Doing it". Only after a new start company came out of no-where and threatened to disrupt the auto industry as we know it.

Yes, this is why Tesla/Musk is a genius. For the EV adoption to work, you must start at the top and, to quote the republican establishment "Trickle Down" the technology to the masses.

Does any Jalop know of a good study that compares the pollution totals of cars from each decade? Or maybe the "Average" ICE car from the 80's-90's to the "Average" ICE today?

Neutral: EVs In The U.S. A Failure Or Success? Is 280,000 pretty good or kind of awful?

I swear this is why Ford is still a company is that they have the MOTHER-FREAKING-BEST marketing department. Period.
The following are their Marketing successes in the recent years:

1. "Eco"-boost - lol, we all know its not eco at all, but man does that tag line have panache with the common folk.

My (wait for it) now-long-dead-grand-father-in-law-who-was-an-engineer-at-Chrysler developed and tested the Turbine car in the 70's.....born in the wrong century.

Damn, good point! Fake Internet points for you!

Maybe this is Patrick wanting nothing short of 7 anchors to throw out the window to stop him with 707 HP and 275's all around...

You are missing the Turbine car....although I'll pardon the death penalty as thats what Chrysler did to it :(