Great, now they've talked you out of personal hygiene. Damn you, Lifehacker!! You've gone too far!!
Great, now they've talked you out of personal hygiene. Damn you, Lifehacker!! You've gone too far!!
This isn't just somebody like the people I'm speaking with here on the internet. This is a doctor quoted in an article, albeit a tabloid article. Like I said, I'm going to take that doctor's word for it over random person on the internet in reference to her claim that "implant scars run horizontal under the breast."…
Really? You're just grasping at straws here. There are vertical scars in breast enhancement surgeries. This may or may not be a scar, but I'm going to side with the doctor rather than Ms. Know-it-all on the internet. It's pretty silly to defend someone that was absolutely incorrect in her second sentence.
Gotta love the Devin Hester donk!
If you would have read the other comments, you would have seen where this was going. I didn't realize it was video. For panorama photos, the orientation of the camera won't matter. Video is different. Good job. You're only a week late.
Shi pahl! Babo!
Do as I say not as I do...
You're wrong... sorry.
Got ya. I would have to say that it may be more difficult or near impossible to do so for this app. Depending on the location of the vibrator in the iPhone 5, the creator of this app may not be able to get it to move the same way. But, I do agree, it would be better certainly for video in this instance. Thanks!
It's a bit different for panorama shots. The issue with holding your phone upright in photos is that you don't have enough width. That's not a problem with a panorama.
If you don't know anything about the subject, then why comment?
I didn't say they were. Can you read? I said just to say them rather than the censored versions you were using. Fuck.
Oh, and fuck, just say it. Words like fudge and fricking just goes right to what you're saying about bad words. If fuck is really that bad that you don't want to say it, frick and fudge are no different because that's what you really intended.
I'm sorry, but you don't seem to understand the difference between something not being allowed and not being okay. You can say what you want, but racial slurs are despicable. If you want to represent yourself like that, then fine, but I also reserve the right to have absolutely no respect for you.
Oh, I see, you're under the impression that even that was okay. You see, just because a bunch of white teenagers like a song doesn't mean that it's all okay.
I understand, but the word itself is of racist origin. That's like me saying the n-word because I prefer the definition of the word in the connotation of ding dong ditch. It's still racist.
I like to think that most kids are great. I've never really met kids that act like this. Maybe this is just the way they act when interacting with their friends, but even when I was young, we would definitely call someone out if they were acting like a spoiled brat. I've actually started donating money in my family…
Japan is way ahead of you.
To be fair, coal is still used to create a lot of the electricity that powers your home, though it is dwindling. We can thank the coal lobby for that one.