Menin Aeide

I’m pretty sure that anyone buying a PC made within a wooden frame is not going to be quibbling over price.

I have some unfortunate news for you. It’s actually paper that lasts an eternity, and the cloud only survives as long as the servers are secure and get power.

ok, Margaret. White people should play white roles and men should play male roles.

Of the many things Trump has done that I definitely do not like, this is not one of them.

Yes, but guys have only the sex ladder and both guys in this incident know this. That’s why Dominic said “I understood why he was upset”

This looks like a disgusting, exploitative show. Everyone, let’s give Dr. Phil the ratings he needs as he carts out a mentally ill person for us to gawk at.

Ok, my first insult of the thread. You’re an embarrassment to liberalism. Not only that, you simply cannot stop making my point about how certain inflamed liberals (like you!) have driven away moderates (not like me, but those Obama-Trump voters) with your ridiculous and over-the-top venom.

Thanks for woman-splaining that to me. Us guys just can’t figure out the internet.

What does your gender have to do with anything, and exactly how would I have known you were a woman? I think you maybe just betrayed a bias of some sort. This is getting more confusing to me now than the pronouns for my transgender son, whom I definitely have to link this thread to now since I’ve been proclaimed a

How can anyone read Persnickety Pant’s crazed rant (based on her misreading me as a Trump supporter!) and not conclude that people are being driven away? How would you react if, for example, you were someone who thought both Hillary & Donald were flawed candidates and then someone told you in ALL CAPS that you were

I had no idea that complimentary ball-washing was even on the table. I’ll pass, thanks.

Thanks for proving my point. I can’t imagine how you would have responded to a white male who didn’t vote for Hillary.

So much drama. No one voted against your rights. Pretty sure they instead voted against Hillary or against The Donald.

Speaking as a white male feminist who voted for Hillary, I can tell you with confidence that the left side of the Democratic party is actively pushing white males to the Republican party. They’re being sent very clear signals that they are not wanted, so they are naturally leaving to the other half of our two-party

And yet we’ve heard all night about how all of these supposed racists voted for Obama in the past two elections.

I will break down and buy D3 just to get the original remake if it still has some of the original tension-building elements like no health bars for the mobs.

I think Nick Jonas has every right to decide who does or doesn’t ride on his coattails.

Still a great costume

Isn’t Smash Mouth’s only claim to fame in singing someone else’s hit song?

I don’t know of any fat people who have lost weight and said they wished they were fat again. I do know some “ex-fat” people who say they are much happier about themselves and generally feel healthier.