
a way to sum up what happens in that round table between creditors and the city:

The Flight Maneuver takes the cake. Well at least Hollywood wise, since the actual pilot who tried it (and what the movie is based off) failed completely.

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Good to hear he is fine. But I think he has to think about a career as a stunt double because that was some Tom Cruise sh*t. A Producer shouldn't have much trouble adding some visual effects and speed sounds to that video.

Exactly what I was thinking. Plus the grill itself is just plain ugly.

It partly sucks that they took away the Cigarette branding from the cars though. Aesthetically, it loses some of its charm in a way. I remember as a kid I didn't know Camel was a cigarette brand (most people in my family smoked Marlboro's at the time), and therefore I thought it was cool to just have a camel painted

I think Doc Hudson was referring to the Scandinavian flick (Counter-steering works too), so I'm more interested in the roots of where or who taught him so ...

The only way these wheels are worth that price is if they are made of Adamantium!

All the cues from the past ruined by that spoiler. Even if it is functional at some level (though I'm sure its still a tail happy car), given that it is a tribute it should follow certain aesthetic principles and stick to the design lines. The spoiler just protrudes awkwardly as the hump merges with the trunk.

new cars really suck...I've ran into worst floods than that and my car has never stopped. When driving a manual it's also easier to keep the revs up to prevent water from entering the pipes.

if that truck would have been American bred (Ford, Chevy, GMC, or even a Hummer even though its Chinese now a days) it would have been a glorious 4th of July...the ad would read, "the end of the beigekrieg."

What a way to capture the pilots personality:

Monsieur Crashey does not lift. He lifts up though; Yeehaww!

Now playing

If they are looking to honor the ol' oak they better put up one of these so that generations to come can enjoy its articifial beauty.

Got this from a none gear head friend.

It looks like a happy car to me...

So here is the conundrum. We hated Dani Bahar for bloating up Lotuses [Loti?]. Then again, this added weight and comfort he was propositioning might have let Lotus live more prosperous times, which could have resulted in new and better sports cars for the enthusiasts or could have ended the legacy of Colin Chapman (we