what about the fact that it was basically an automatic update? Many of my friends who jailbreaked there previous versions of the iphone comlplained about not being asked to update, which caused there phones to get automatically locked...
what about the fact that it was basically an automatic update? Many of my friends who jailbreaked there previous versions of the iphone comlplained about not being asked to update, which caused there phones to get automatically locked...
Would be interesting to see number of original CDs or licences given in countries per population size, as in most 3rd world countries, I person downloads the torent file (since most people either lack an internet connection or have one that ranges from dial up to maybe the first instance of DSL) and then sells it on…
The skulll reminds me of the Punisher, so as long as my spine and ears could handle it, I would drive it everyday. As for making it streetlegal, I've never heard of street unlegal in this 3rd world country (given the quality of cars and body work I see every day). Roads though, might be another issue.
I would. Im single so it would be easy. Plus I'd make a ton of new friends as I drove that beauty (I might change those wheels though) with no destination in sight. My family enjoys it when they see me travel and learn new things about the planet we live in.
Manual Audi R8 Spyder which comes around 200k, then take it to APR for a ECU upgrade...
Probably would if I had no other choice, but would rather have an WRX STI or Lancer EVO (VIII-X)
Being the shoemaker only works if you are german [as you would be the Schumacher].
You can only consider Audio a sellout once the R8 can not be bought with a manual. I think its still the only major supercar left with a gated shifter, as Ferrari and Lamborghini have dropped it.
In a way though I could see the tile screen becoming predominant in enterprise. If you were able to lock it, you could limit the access in a computer as you would only be able to use the tiles that have been authorized for your use.
[the following excerpt of my memory has been edited from some major debauchery details]
I doubt "WE" would be included in the olympics. Fortunately though, we can count on ROC (Race Of Champions) to provide us the entertainment of championships by Nation & Driver.
Im sorry, seeing last night's drive episode on the Audi TT by APR I saw they have a 2007 VW GOLF GTI for $25,000 OBO. Which if I had the money and where in the states I would so much buy as of yesterday...
Toyota should rescue the ring. Maybe they can come up with some wierd japanese tech that can help them create better, as in not so "beige" cars, by reading other makers set-ups or having a closer spy into what others are releasing so they can bring their own version to the masses (which hopefully is not covered much…
Itmight be better to post it Friday night or even Thursday as a reminder since a lot of events take place in Europe which means practce rounds are early Fridays and qualify rounds are early Saturday mornings. You also might want to add links to the official timing pages or some that host live commentary. For F1 for…
Bolivia should defenitely make the list. Lets start with a the few "highways" we have.
so now I can rent a glorified beetle next time I travel to the States.