
I'm going to have to say that sometimes form does not matter as long as the function is still their. Sure there are hiddeous creations of over the top aero-ugly-dynamics, but if they prove right and offer the mind boggling performance that resembles F1 cars or those so adored Group B rally beast, than so be it.

Three come to mind:

Maybe you are more of the lodging type moguls who likes to simply stay in the warmth of the cabin. This will fit the occasion perfectly, while you brag about being green to the ladies and dust your competition in snow with the overabundance of torques...

Planning to conquer your own mountain up and down the slope? Well this will tackle anything in any terrain...

Now playing

So I was going to nominate this single lane bridge which is actually a train bridge as well. Lets just say that they time the crossings with stop watches, and well the worst that can happen is getting either running into the train or having it chase you to the other end.

[Brain size/(Balls or Ovaries of Steel)] + [(Gas - No Traction) + (Hard Braking- No Traction) + Hydroplaning x (# of corners) x (#of survived laps)]= Complete Rookie or Racing Demigod/dess

Ron Burgundy: "All Kasey should have done is look left.

Id Time travel back to Italy in the late 70's in this. After showing dear old Enzo what it does, how turbos are supposed to operate, I'd hand over the keys, let him backwards engineer it, see what he comes up for his F-40. I would of course do it in exchange for one of those babies. Simply put, super car history,

OK, so Ford did have the coolest salesman in life and death.

So this is completely biased, but I would go with the RB24S engine, specifically the one fitted in my mother's still current car. We've had it since 1992 (mind you I come from a third world country where imports are usually taxed about 40% or more). The car has survived dust storms, tropical rain storms in which with

Ferrari Round Taillights. The first where just your average rounded glass stuck to the back, but there more modern counterparts in 3D not only stick out, but they draw you in like a belly dancer's beads on the edges of their curves that simply tell those behind, look but don't crash""...

I love the Hennessey's engineering for the Venom GT. I know they have done it to several other cars [incrementing power and all], but this is a whole new level of Clarksonian Engineering. So not contempt with the power the little stock engine of an Elise can do, simply forced them to do a heart transplant.

Although Gorgeous, I cant wait to see it painted in Aston's Racing Green (without decals). The color will hide its curves and angles with a subtulness, just like when you look at that gorgeous woman in a dress as it passes you by; your mind filliing in the details, the roundness of that tail. Your imagination simply

its under the "WHO MAY BE CONSIDERED:

Forgot to Mention being a US Citizen, sigh...

it looks like it was Nissan-fied by the Godzilla Department

I hail from a third world country, famous for its roads (one of which was Top Gear worthy). Sure the rest of the country might not compare to the US, but the roads, oh our hoonable roads and poor (but organized) traffic laws. To quote Senna: ""That is driving, pure driving, and that makes me happy" because the speed

solution? Special Jalop hooning rally roads; easy & quick cheap maintenance. Because we don't want crappy pavement under our wheels, we want compacted dirt and 4 wheel drive.