
So using less resources is better, but that does mean it will be as stupid friendly as whatever it is the Macs use? Also I would not doubt you will pay for apps on your phone, and then pay (more)again for the desktop/tablet version.

reminds me of Bossa and their covers for the Stones, Guns and Roses, etc...

I would say the Lancia strats as someone mentioned, but for true offroading I think the Dakar Toureg, proven to beat sand dunes and every terrain thrown at it...

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I actually prefer the same partnership of Ferrari/Shell but in this commercial, simply seeing the evolution of the F1 car running wild in the streets of the world with nothing but the glorious sounds of the V12s is perferct...

Did these guys participate in the Fast and the Furious movies?

give me a F458. I would cry at the scene, drive it furiously as I wept, the engine exploding into flames and I would go to hell with it.

with politicians putting their back to the Melbourne GP, maybe this track if reconditioned could fit F1 too. the several hills look amazing (sort of an Australian version of SPA), I wish we could see an inboard lap in the F1 to do it some justice (from the helmet point of view)...

We'll, since its a company that thrives on inovation, the day apple does not come up with something new, their stock will take a hit. irrational people have for to long kept their stock price on the rise, but if you analize the company well enough you realize that their is no reason for apple to be valued at its

I would go for a BMW-M3(e30). plenty of parts out there now-a-days to add. If Caswell raced with a modified $500 craiglister, imagine what hoonery you could take part in with a well prepared M3 classic. usually run around the 10K mark, so I would add an extra set of track tires, a year subscription to the closest

reminds me of the blue man group- only cool factor in this video is the high def & slow motion quality of it...

You have pulled a Facebook on Us! Sad to see the simplicity of the previous look go away. Needless to say now I can't skim around the articles with ease as I get a picture preview. I don't want to see the comments unless I open the article. What is this supposed to be like, a facebook News Feed? Maybe I should resort

@SerialThriller: Im sure most people would rather fly and get a free "prostate exam" by the TSA these days. But why is taking the bus so expensive (at times comparable to an airplane ticket). Also of course people would rather drive, in America about the last thing you loose is your car (in case of bankruptcy). People

Nothing new here. I am from Bolivia and we have the same service in most long distance routes. Now why is it the the #1 country in the world has such a shitty and expensive service? Is it because of car companies? I don't know but something is wrong for sure..

okay, for me the movie does seem okay, but the reason I will watch it in the theaters and buy the soundtrack is Daft Punk!...ill try and resist the urge to bring the light sticks...

I think the Raikkonen Japanese GP performance should be included. Not sure if it is on video summary, but going from 17th to the top step of the podium was really remarkable specially with a last lap pass on Fisichella.

jaja very funny, but their is a double meaning i guess, for diesel fueled cars have been kicking gasoline cars in the lemans series...

my grandfather had a restoration shop in Colombia, so I saw several pictures of some of the cars he owned and restored (now a days I cant understand why he sold them), my uncle was a race car driver in the same country as well. and that was from my mothers side. my father and grandmother both owned E30s while I grew

I am 24 and every member in my family can drive a manual...but probably once my nephews learn to drive it wont be like that since they live in the US and a manual is a rare site...

These are some of the best names:

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I guess the Office made a point, Dont follow directions blindly. Sorry for the family, but she was more worried about insurance hikes than herself?