Menandz Mags

You can’t take a heritage car and bring it back as a rehash of another brand’s car. There is no excuse for Toyota doing this. Toyota knows how to make a sports car, and even if they wanted to be totally lazy, they could’ve taken the Lexus RC and started there. 

I’ll give you that. Its basically for someone who needs an SUV but could use some of the features of a truck with a tonneau cover. As a suburban homeowner, I often find myself underutilizing my truck. If It were smaller, I’d be using a larger proportion of it.

C’mon now. We all know this is better than half the liveries up there.

because pocketsized viper :)

If my college calculus holds true, these torque monsters will roll the flat surface into a sphere of area 2 Pi r hs

this got me googling...and now i’m hooked

So instead of art on a car (an art car), this is art around a car, which can only be view by an app. And so when I look AT THE CAR IN REAL LIFE, THERE IS NO GOT-DAMN ART!!!

umount /dev/engine

Ghost of Steve Irwin speaking in the background:

I bought an XKR convertible a couple weeks ago. The other day I was getting gas when a little old lady (80ish) pulled up behind me in a lovely white Benz SEC. We’re talking like 4'10'’, curly grey hair, cardigan, the whole deal. She comes up, says ‘Wow, what a beautiful car, can I take a look?’ I tell her of course,

This is what Mercedes-Benz calls “color” for the 2017 S-Class. Only five almost-indistinguishable blacks to pick from? This palette looks like the rainbows you see in the People’s Republic of Imgonnafuckingkillmyselfistan.

Now playing

noo, this is the best solution, riiiight here

With this freakin awesome smile, this is clearly a car that would wake up every morning, just so fucking happy to be alive and allowed to place it’s wheels on the road. People would wave at this car and it would wave back. If you saw this car on the street while on the way to your shrink to be treated for suicidal