
Let’s attack people by association! Who needs reasons!

So Odin is extra but Crown is premium, allright then, talk about being consistent.

(“healsluts”) that feels erotic pleasure from healing in-game.”

true open-world sandbox”

10 hours in and I’m bored as fuck tbh. Almost nothing is interesting, about any of the quests, and if they are they’ just so badly written to hide it’s another fetch quest.

Sexually “positive” is pretty subjective in this context, cause that’s quite a lot of “positivity” in 3 minutes most of the time

No we don’t. 

I’m pretty much done of having to care about elite workplaces. And wanting to “kill themselves” is def a problem not one sided.

Bethesda Game Studios and AMD announced an exclusive partnership for Starfield. This meant it would only support AMD’s upscaling technology for better resolution and framerate performance”

I disagree, it’s reasoning people are racists based on pure assumptions, “you think it is” or “it’s probably” isn’t an argument. 100% conjecture.

Pitt still works?

Of course not, but you can’t just state someone’s a racist juts because he doesn’t get slapping a sombrero on your head and going ai ai ai is not so much done these days. Racism requires intent, hate or distain in my book, not being behind the times or an idiot.

Being a culturally insensitive tool going with stereotypes we all grew up with doesn’t make you a racist.

In 6 months it is!

Anybody who uses their kids for monetary gains, including all the youtube “families” are abusers in my book

Huh, it’s oen of the few things I only heard praise off.

Guy has a italian plumber going down pipes jumping on mushrooms and flying around in raccoon suit but it stops right there!!!

Maybe if they weren’t spreading falsehoods themselves it wouln’t be a problem

The problem here a corporate dude said we could and is hyping this up with falsehoods. No Mans Sky says hi

I’ll come back when their actual gameplay is up to scratch to listen to them preaching anything