
On a popular torrent site, Fallout 4 has been downloaded nearly 140,000 times. Nearly 200 people are downloading

Also, Forgot to add, Onetastic is a great place to add plugins to one note to add some extra functionality and tweaks that you might find useful.

I can see the complaint with corpses, but where the heart attacks are concerned, I feel like some players may be missing the core mythos that informs the narrative of the game.

Hi Guys, I too have been doing this for years. Christopher, the best character I've found so far to force folders/files to the bottom is "ι" or "Ι" (Don't know the Alt Codes, but copy and paste them). I far prefer these to "z".

I used to worry that fatigue I experienced during the day was as a result of terrible diseases such as chronic kidney disease or cancer (I work in healthcare, a little information being a dangerous thing and whatnot). Then my g/f and I had a son and I realised that not only did I not have a serious illness, I had

@Christopher Todesco: You can use Φ, Θ, Ω, or δ to autosort to the bottom of a list. There probably are even more characters that autosort to the bottom too.