
That kind of relativistic morality is why most politicians and nearly all liberals are able to tell bald faced lies with a clear conscience. To them something is only wrong or evil if it is contrary to their own personal desires. Certain things are EVIL regardless of who you are. Murder (different from killing, all

"If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will..." — Master Yoda

I've tasted both grass-fed and grain-fed beef. The only difference I've been able to detect is the grain-fed tends to be more marbled (little fat nodules imbedded in the muscle) which, in the hands of a decent cook, make for a tenderer steak. It's really all in the hands of the cook. A good cook can take the

I might actually use this service if they'd get off their duffs and create a version for Windows Phone 7.

When I saw the re-sized image displayed on Google Reader, I saw Monroe no matter how much I squinted or how close I got to the screen. When I clicked through to see the full size image, I clearly see Einstein even without my glasses. If I slide back from the computer about 6 feet or so I can see Monroe.

Does this router support third-part firmware? In my experience, stock firmware is usually too limiting. For example, the stock linksys firmware only allowed a limited number of ports to be forwarded. At the time, I needed two additional ports forwarded so I put third party firmware on the router to let me forward

If you try the "...start talking into their ear" trick with a movie theater phone talker you'll likely get punched in the face. I'm not saying don't do it. Just be prepared for the consequences.

Stop Stop Play doesn't work on my Sony BluRay player.

Useless, doesn't work if you're behind a firewall that blocks facebook, including https.

I find that a little offensive. I AM a redneck and proud of it and have never eaten pigeon in my life, unless it was the unidentifiable mystery meat served up at some Chinese restaurant.

These LulzSec guys are @$$wipes of the lowest order. If I could identify one of them within reasonable driving distance of where I live I'd gladly drive there and beat the living $#!+ out of them. They claim to be trying to better the internet by highlighting security failings. That's all well and good, however,

My brother doesn't even have a job, he's a full time student living off student loans and currently working on his masters, yet, every day he receives another pre-approved credit card offer, which he promptly shreds because he's already gonna be neck deep in debt when he finishes school and doesn't want the temptation

If I had the room on my desk, I'd run that many monitors just to get on some greenie's nerves with my extravagant carbon footprint. Two monitors for actual work, one for social network stuff like tweetdeck and trillian, one for firefox, and one for watching videos.

Oh, they do something inconsiderate like releasing it where it can invade someone elses home. I really don't understand why anyone would want to catch a mouse alive unless they plan to feed it to a predatory pet like a snake or bird of prey. There are two kinds of mouse traps I refuse to use. Live catch traps and

I would certainly hope so, however, even if there isn't, I would hope you've got real-time anti-virus running on your machine so that when the dropbox client app syncs the file it'll get scanned then.

A quick plug for Windows Phone 7. It can tether via the USB cable out of the box without needing any special app. No wireless unfortunately, but it works quite well for me when I need a more full featured browsing experience than is available on the phone. Just switch the phone to tethered modem mode, plug it into

No offense, but the inability of any particular individual to enjoy, for whatever reason, a good batch of scrambled eggs has little to no bearing on whether or not the eggs are good. Some people, such as yourself, can't eat eggs while others just simply don't like them regardless of how they're prepared. Excluding

It's impossible for an electronic device that has a mechanical switch to continue using power from the battery when it's turned off. If it's one of those soft switches like many computers, TV's, etc have then yes, it will continue using power but at a much slower rate than when it's turned on. As far as one of

I know this is an old discussion, but this looked like the best place to comment. I installed Texter on my XP machine at work and ever since, Symantec Endpoint Protection detects and deletes a tracking cookie every morning at boot up. Uninstalling the program was somew2hat difficult. I had to use Revo Uninstaller's

I think the only real difference will be which parts of your body get wet. By running, you'll splash more, getting your lower legs wetter unless you're able to plan your route in advance so as to totally avoid standing pools. If you walk calmly, you'll not splash as much, partially because you can more easily avoid