He really should not wear pink. He just looks straight up like a penis.
He really should not wear pink. He just looks straight up like a penis.
Are you seriously comparing tanning - something the skin naturally does when exposed to light, something that is temporary - to artificial skin bleaching? Sit your raggedy, stupid ass all the way down in all the seats.
1. He’s actually hurting himself so he’s not exactly “not hurting anyone”
This. It’s like he thinks, “Well at least I know THAT’S not a fireable offense...”
My favorite part is that this is the only thing he admits to. Because, you know, insulting women is a totally innocent everyday activity.
“ and said the comment about the female student was “not meant to be inappropriate.”
But was it a sandwich?
1. Notice article about a series of films with a large fan base.
I'm just going to admit it: I don't get all the Channing Tatum lust. I find him almost virtually indistinguishable from Chris Pine or one of the Hemsworths (I mean, he seems like a nice dude I just don't find him at all sexy). Is...is there something wrong with me?