Thank you to everyone who asked if I was okay!! I appreciate all the love and kindness! When my bag exploded, everyone ran out of the store but me. There was a fire extinguisher 3 feet away! I was covered head to toe in soot! I enhaled all that lithium and now I have to take blood test!!!! As for my “bag” being a…
Don't you think if I was aware of the dangers I would have spent the extra 5 dollars to store it safely??? I didn't have knowledge!!! The people who sold me the battery never told me bout the dangers
Thanks Hun! I inhaled all the smoke Lithium poisoning
I agree!!! Not one person helped me until after the fact!! All the damage was already done!
I didn’t run away! Watch the video! I am paying at the counter in the black shirt! The store clerk ran away! Clearly you can see I dumped everything out of my bag and was trying to put the flames out!!! There was a fire extinguisher 2 feet away on the wall!!! No one helped me at all
I didn't run away! Watch the video! I am paying at the counter in the black shirt! The store clerk ran away! Clearly you can see I dumped everything out of my bag and was trying to put the flames out!!! There was a fire extinguisher 2 feet away on the wall!!! No one helped me at all
This is me in the video and yes I agree
This is me in the video! No one grabbed the fire extinguisher!!!! I was trying to put the flames out m
This is me in the video! Would you like to see a receipt??? It is not counterfeit. It was a real LV
Your sick in the head!!! I deserved this to happen???
I tried the vape to kick my nic habit! It did help! I did not deserve for this to happen to me
This could have killed me